Saturday, December 13, 2008

ROAR blog ( Cuba Today )


1- the background to new Cuba & how 400 years of spanish rule affected it

2-she speaks about when Christopher Columbus found Cuba in 1492

3- describes the tempatures there are usually around 24 degrees celcius depending on the time of year

4- slavery was a huge part of their economy but, in 1844 authortities thought that the "negroes" population was rising too much (conspiracion de la Escalera)

5- years 1790 - 1839 trade helped Cuba's economy stay stable (many leisures) this held to the stimulation of litertature


1-why is Lee so interested in Cuba ?
2- Did trade with Europe keep the economy stable ?
3- When did the ten years war begin ?
4- Was John Marti a big part of the war ?


1- commerce: an interchange of goods or commodities esp. on a large scale between different countries (foreign commerces) or between different parts of the same country (domestic country); trade; business

2- abolished: to do away with; annul

3-bombard: to attack or batter with artillery fire

Literary terms:

1- expostion chapter 1
2- simile to USA government

overview sentence:

Lee Chadwick speaks about how the island was first founded by Christopher Columbus and the spanish people that first ruled it. Describes the tempature of this beautiful island and how literature and trade made the land grow as well as the economy.

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