Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wide Saragasso Sea 5

1. Rochestser sits with her at night getting drunk to forget
2. Rochester mentions a convo that he had with Daniel
3. Anntoinette accuses Daniel of being a liar
4. She describes Calabari of being "sacred to the sun"
5. Rochester thinks that christopher's suggestion about spending time
apart was a good idea

1. Why do they get drunk?
2. Why does Anntoinette think that Daniel is a liar?
3. Where is Calabari's location?
4. Why does Rochester think that they should spend time apart?

1. dismounted: to bring or throw down, as from a horse; unhorse; throw
2. shamrock: any of several plants, such as a clover or wood sorrel, having compound leaves with three small leaflets, considered the national emblem of Ireland
3. tricorne: having three horns or hornlike projections; three-cornered

Literary terms:
1. Metaphor
2. Simile

Overview Sentence:
Annotointte and Rochester decide to get drunk I guess they dont feel good about themselves and their indiviual situations at the moment

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