Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wide Saragasso Sea 7

1. Rochester was feeling bad about the dream he had just had
2. He felt envious of Anntoinette while he watched her sleep
3. her husband slept with servant Amelie
4. the love potion that she had given him had made him want to sleep with her
5. she left the house for three days after

1. Why was he feeling bad about his dream?
2. Why had they given a love potion?
3. Can anntoinette forgive her husband?
4. how did anntoinette feel about her husband betrayal?

1. sombre: dark and dull, as color, or as things in respect to color
2. patois: jargon; cant; argon
3. tricorne: having three horns or hornlike projections; three-cornered

Literary terms:
2. denounment

Overview Sentence:
Anntoinette gave her husband a love potion. Which made him end up sleeping with the servant Amelie , and she felt horrible about this.

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