Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wide Saragasso Sea 8

1. Christophine was taking care of Anntoinette since the heart break she's had
2. She accuses Rochester of wanitng the money and not loving Anntoinette but making pretend he did by getting her hooked on sex
3. Christophine knows that Rochester does all these things on purpose to hurt Anntoinette
4. Rochester was thinking about letting Christophine take Anntoinette
5. He is thinking about fleeing with his wife

1. Why did Rochester do all these horrible things to his wife?
2. How did he get her hooked on sex and she thought she loved it?
3. Does he not love Anntionette at all?
4. Why does Rochester want to flee with his wife?

1. gesticulating: to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech
2. malignant: disposed to cause harm, suffering, or distress deliberately; feeling or showing ill will or hatred
3. chemises: a woman's loose-fitting, shirtlike undergarmet

Literary terms:
1. alliteration
2. anther alliteration

Overview sentence:
After he kicks Christophine out a few days later decides to finally move out of Africa and go to England. To make her suffer even more he wnats to take her away from the island she loves.

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